Introducing Adam Wells – Fulcrum’s Freelance Photographer

Introducing Adam Wells – Fulcrum’s Freelance Photographer

At Fulcrum, we have great respect for the role that artists play in our community, and also in our business. When we need photography, our first call is to the talented Adam Wells, with whom we’ve partnered on a number of projects over the years. Today, we’d like to turn the lens on Adam and share his story with you.

As with many artists, photography was a passion and a hobby for Adam long before it became a career. He was working with Topo Designs out in Denver, CO when everything clicked into place. He began to see the path to a full-time career as a freelance photographer, so he pulled up stakes and made the jump to Seattle, building a business and a new life all at once.

One thing Washington and Colorado have in common is an endless supply of beautiful, natural backdrops for photography. Adam’s work was rooted in the outdoors, and the natural world remains a source of inspiration in his art and life. He believes the most important work he can do is to guide others to reconnect with the ecosystems all around us, especially in urban settings where it can be too easy to become lost in a concrete jungle. This drive made him a natural partner for one of our favorite local outfitters, REI, and his adventure photography would inspire anyone to gear up and hit the trails!

When our paths crossed in 2018, Fulcrum was preparing to launch another special collaboration, a limited edition bicycle design with tokyobike. Designer Mike Beard brought Adam in to handle the lifestyle photography. We were so impressed we decided to continue working with Adam as we moved forward in opening our first cafe. While the quality of his work is unquestionable, we found we shared a passion for connecting to and improving the world around us. Adam’s interest in prioritizing the health of our local waterways and food systems, both critical elements of a healthy community, align with our own efforts in supporting small, local businesses as well as farmers and coffee-growing communities around the globe.

Over the last few years, Adam’s freelance business has grown significantly. A “visual communicator” at heart, he has successfully expanded into the world of motion pictures, and his short films are well worth the watch. We’ve been especially impressed by the mini-documentaries he filmed with Norway’s outdoor experts, Helly Hansen, spotlighting some tough jobs in harsh environments. We encourage you to explore the work of this talented local artist over your next cup of coffee. His photography speaks for itself, and you can find his work at: Adam Wells | Helly Hansen: Washington State Ferries — ADAM WELLS ( 

Visit Adam’s Instagram here.


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