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Laos Peaberry

Laos Peaberry

Regular price $16.00
Regular price Sale price $16.00

12oz bag, whole bean. Roasted to order.

Medium acidity and body, with red apple, chocolate, brown sugar, and red grape 

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The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative

Tasting Notes: Medium acidity and body, with red apple,
chocolate, brown sugar, and red grape

Region: Bolaven Plateau, Southern Laos

Altitude: 1300 MASL

Process: Washed

Variety: Typica, Catimor

Roast Level: Light

  • Loas may be a newcomer to the specialty coffee scene, but the country has a long history of producing Arabica coffee since 1920. Majority of the Arabica coffee is grown in the southern region, The Bolaven Plateau, formerly an active volcanic region 16 million years ago. Its climate, with plenty of rainfall between March and October mixed with the rich red volcanic soil, makes it well-suited for growing coffee.

    The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative (CPC) was created in 2007 with the support of the Lao government. The CPC was established to enhance the quality of life of Lao coffee smallholders by educating on sustainable production, direct trade, and technical support. The CPC is made up of 928 smallholder farmers, each with an average of 12 acres of plantation land. They are committed to ensuring fairness and stability within the coffee industry by guaranteeing minimum prices for coffee and promoting equal treatment for all members.
    Laos exports most of its coffee through ports in Vietnam and Thailand due to its landlocked status. However, organizations such as CPC are working towards increasing visibility and preventing the smuggling of Lao coffee across borders. By doing so, the aim is to ensure that Lao coffee is sold rightfully with reference to Laos.

    Variety: Typica, Catimor
    Process: Washed
    Region: Bolaven Plateau, Southern Laos
    Altitude: 1,300 MASL