Hybrid Coffee Box

Hybrid Coffee Box

The Hybrid Box – A Tasting Experience

The Hybrid Box is designed to create a delightful coffee tasting experience.  We paired two new hybrid coffee varietals with one of our favorite non-hybrid varietals, a typica from producer Oscar Chacón in Central Valley, Costa Rica.  These coffees are not the same in terms of tasting notes, but they are the same in terms of higher point scores (>88 points), natural process, central valley and Terazu region of Costa Rica, and a light roast level.  This makes for a great comparison of similar, but different tasting coffees.

Does a hybrid coffee taste as good as or better than a non-hybrid coffee?  All three coffees are simply wonderful, and that’s the point.  We are bringing more hybrid coffees to our customers because hybrids are more sustainable.  We sincerely hope this experience awakens you to what some people call the future of coffee.

What is a Hybrid Coffee or Varietal?

A hybrid coffee breeds better tasting arabica varietals with the hardier robusta varietals.  As we know now, the discovery and commercialization of arabica varietals created a worldwide growth, if not obsession, in specialty coffee.  We’re obsessed with arabica varietals as well, but looking forward, we are increasing our sustainability efforts beginning with sourcing more hybrid varietals.

The creation of hybrid coffees has been led by World Coffee Research in collaboration with businesses and farmers with a scientific and research-based approach. This is not to be confused with genetically modified organisms. The cornerstone of WCR’s strategy is the creation of a network of regional breeding hubs that countries, research institutes, and private sector partners can utilize to accelerate the pace of coffee genetic improvement through breeding coffees not genetically modifying coffees.

Sustainability and Hybrid Coffee

Fulcrum Coffee strongly believes in implementing business practices that ultimately lower the carbon footprint and improve the livelihoods of our farmer partners while not placing an undue burden on customers through higher coffee prices. You can read our overall Sustainability Program, but hybrid coffees are the cornerstone for the following reasons:

Climate Change – The increase in temperatures lowers quality and yields in coffee production. Upwards of 50% of current land will be unsuitable for arabica coffee cultivation by 20501. Hybrid coffee varietals solve this problem and provides financial stability and prosperity for our farmer partners. This long-term commitment to our farmers with hybrid coffee varietals also improves the quality of coffee.

Disease Threat – Coffee leaf rust (la roya) and coffee borer disease destroy entire crops. In the 2012 coffee rust epidemic in Central America, the coffee industry suffered billions in crop losses, and an estimated 1.7 million jobs2. These new hybrid varietals are more resistant to coffee disease.

Farmer Yield – Higher yields per acre not only means more prosperity for the farmer but also greater investment in improving quality while keeping prices reasonable.  The end customer, the person enjoying a cup of coffee at one of our customers’ cafes, wants to support more sustainable coffee, but only to a point.  The cost of the cup can’t be unreasonably high, or the end customer is required to bear the burden of sustainability.  Hybrid coffees meet this often used phrase, win – win.

Recommended Tasting

The simple rule of tasting coffee – enjoy it the best way you always do. We recommend trying the three hybrid coffees over several days by your own brewing method of choice, or following the recommendations below. Take a moment to reflect on the tasting notes and write down what you experience. After you tasted all three, pick you’re favorite. Don’t be surprised if it is too hard to choose.

If you want to have some fun, especially if several friends join in, try conducting a blind tasting. A blind tasting removes all bias and allows you to do side by side comparisons.  We do blind tastings with our staff all the time. The fun begins when the arguments begin. Coffee is not linear, higher scoring coffees do not necessarily lead to a better tasting cup. We found the highest scoring coffee wasn’t always the cup picked the most.  Everyone has preferences, and blind taste tests bring out those preferences!

Costa Rica Obata Maria Jose

Vega Alfaro and Family Estate, Central Valley Costa Rica

Natural Process

MASL 1,500

Juicy and lively with Meyer Lemon, Strawberry and Watermelon notes, Light Roast

V60 or Chemex


Ceciliano Family, Rio Conejo Estate, Terazu Region Costa Rica

Natural Process

MASL 1,350

Bright acidity and round body, with Orange, Cherry Yogurt, and Lime notes, Light Roast

V60 or Chemex

Typica – Las Lajas

Oscar Chacin Estate, Central Valley Costa Rica

Natural Process

MASL 1,650

Bright acidity and medium body with Blackberry, Lime and Jasmine Tea notes, Light Roast

V60 or Chemex

1 – Multiclass Classification of Agro-Ecological Zones for Arabica Coffee: An Improved Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Change, October 27, 2015, PLOS ONE Journal

2 – World Coffee Research website, https://worldcoffeeresearch.org/work/, Coffee Disease & Pests section.

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