Berry Fruity, Coffees, Espresso, Light, Silver Cup, Sweet
Silver Cup
Ursa Minor
A balanced blend with honey, caramel and fruity notes
Light roast
Remarks: We roast our coffee every Monday and Wednesday to ship every Wednesday and Friday. PLEASE note the cut-off time for placing orders will be 10am every Monday for Wednesday shipment, and 10am on Wednesday for Friday shipment
Ursa Minor
12 oz Whole Bean
Tasting Notes: A balanced blend with honey, caramel, and fruity notes.
Producer: Blend
Roast Level: Light
Origins: Brazil, Central America, Indo-Pacific

Ursa Minor – Coffee meets Tradition
Like Brazil, Washingtonians love a good cup of coffee. It’s ingrained in the Seattle culture here – wherever you go, someone’s got a 12oz paper cup, a thermos, or a mug for sipping brew. Ursa Minor is where South American coffee growing traditions meet Pacific Northwest roasting and brewing traditions. Read Bear and the Steelhead, a story inspired by traditional PNW legends and myths.
The Best Characteristics of Brazilian Coffee
Brazil: a country that grows a third of the world’s coffee, a place that is almost synonymous with coffee production. We chose to mix some Brazilian beans into Ursa Minor to bring out a soft, nutty flavor. This could become your go-to sipping coffee for all hours of the day.
Brazil is not what you think. A country so large and populous, comprised of so many complimenting and diverging cultures is bound to defy any simple stereotype. Sure, there’s the throbbing samba of Mardi Gras festivities, there’s the bossa nova of The Girl from Ipanema. There are soccer stars that pull in six-figure salaries and are revered as gods.
But there are other things, too. There’s unexplored Brazil, Brazil off the beaten path, where modern technology and indigenous culture meet and give rise to novel and curious forms of human expression. If there’s one thing Brazilians hold in common, it’s an appreciation for coffee. Unlike many coffee exporting countries, Brazil also retains a lot of its caffeinated crop and even imports coffee into the country for popular consumption.
The beans in the Ursa Minor blend typify the best characteristics of Brazilian coffee: soft, nutty, low acidity with a nice bittersweet chocolate taste. You’d expect a fine cup of coffee to come out of this strange and beautiful land of multifaceted culture – and that’s exactly what’s on tap with the Ursa Minor blend.
Brewing Guide
Below are some basic recipes outlining what we found produced the best cup with this coffee, however we encourage each home brewer to experiment and modify these recipes to suite their own tastes.
French Press Brewing Guide

Coffee: 40g
Grind: Medium coarse (Slightly finer than sea salt)
Water: 600g 93°C/199°F
Total Brew Time: 15 Minutes
Yieldes appx. 2 cups
1. Preheat the French press by filling it with hot water
2. After heating the French press, dump the water out and fill with ground coffee.
3. Pour all of the hot water over the ground coffee. Start the timer and stir for 30 seconds.
4. Secure the top with the filter pulled up. Wait for the coffee to brew.
5. When the timer reaches 5:00 remove the top, stir briefly, and secure top back on.
6. Wait an additional 10 minutes. Press the filter down and decant the coffee into mugs to serve or another vessel.
Discover the Inspiration Behind the Blend
Below are some basic recipes outlining what we found produced the best cup with this coffee, however we encourage each home brewer to experiment and modify these recipes to suite their own tastes.